Monday 31 October 2011

The Origins of Your Blog Success

Blog success originates not
from the fancy layouts or
nifty widgets but rather from
the unique content found
on the blogging platform! If
what the site administrator
offers viewers continues to
be interesting and relevant
reading material people will
continue to return! It all
boils down to the personal
commitment of the
individual blogger insofar as
to the success of the
blogging platform itself!
Here are 5 things any
individual will need to
supply if they intend to
become a popular blogger!
The starting point for any
blog is the 'seed' or idea
behind it's purpose and
what the reading material
contained within will be
based upon! The theme is
crucial from the standpoint
that you want to be sure
there is an audience for it
and most especially if you
intend to make money! The
theme you decide upon
gives you a way in which to
direct your efforts since you
want to maintain a certain
focus when composing
Ideas are merely thoughts
or dreams until you decide
to take a definitive action
towards making them a
reality! Taking the first step
is typically the hardest when
entering into anything new
and when launching a
blogging platform it is
recommended to compose
a series of posts! The point
here is you want visitors to
have more than one update
to view or they may not
take your site serious
enough to even return. The
more posts you display the
greater the commitment you
will reflect to visitors!
This helps you to coordinate
your efforts for the best
results but just as
importantly your focus will
help you stay consistent
with the theme of your site.
It will do little good if you
continue to veer away from
the theme since it will
confuse readers and even
discourage them from
returning! The main
objective is create unique
content that is relevant to
the theme so you can
attract visitors and then
develop their loyalty!
This supplies the persistence
you need while you wait for
the results you want while
also helping you beat back
any feelings of frustration!
Remember a successful
blogging platform is one
that has a loyal following
but viewer loyalty does not
occur overnight, it takes
Without a deeply rooted
curiosity or passion it will
make both your research
and writing efforts more
difficult! People expect to
see high quality and unique
content when they land on
your site and it is up to you
to create it but if you lack
the inner drive to do so the
platform will fade from
existence! It is always highly
recommended to consider
your own level of interest
when selecting a theme for
just these reasons!
Blog success is much more
a product of the unique
content found on the
blogging platform itself and
not the fancy designs or
widgets being used. It all
comes down to people
wanting reading material of
interest to them and finding
a source they feel is
reliable. Once this occurs
reader loyalty begins to
develop but only after a
period of time! This is why
the origin and success of
the blogging platform is
wholly dependent upon the
initiative and commitment of
the site administrator! After
all the use of fancy designs
or widgets are no substitute
for the 5 things only a
blogger can supply as
discussed here today!

What is keyword density? Why is it so important in the use of SEO Article writing services?

Keyword density is an
important part of SEO
copywriting services, and in
articles and blogs. To better
understand how it works,
let's start with the basics.
First, SEO is the general term
for search engine
optimization. The process of
optimizing your website to
attract more traffic and build
a search engine ranking
higher. SEO activities can
range from the creation of
links that are posted in
forums, comments on blogs
or social networks and lead
to your site, or the creation
of articles and blogs
through writing services that
will create content that is
Search engine optimized
with the correct keyword
density "."
So you know where the
keyword density is adjusted,
but it really is? Keyword
density is the SEO jargon for
the number of times, in
various materials, your
keyword appears in an
article, blog or page.
Example. He has a web
page with 200 words. This
includes titles, subtitles, and
all that content. If your
keyword is found in those
words 6 times, you have a
keyword density of 3%.
Here's a formula that will
guide you to calculate this
for any amount of content.
Your keyword density is the
number of keywords divided
by the total number of
words on the page,
multiplied by 100.
Rules for keyword density
Here is a rule of thumb I've
found that applies to almost
any type of web content
created by SEO writing
services that have a
keyword density. Anything
less than 2% the density is
very low, only 4% is too
much. Why is this? Search
engines must be able to find
your content, and you want
your "keyword" real key
word (which it will be if
search engines can not pick
it up). But you do not want
to "spam" content with
excessive use of keywords,
either. And for most of the
articles and blogs, which
starts after 4%.
Mounting keyword density
Say for example, your
business was a software
company. You like things
like "software", "programs"
or the names of specific
software to sell your
keywords. This is someone
writing in "software" in the
Google search box would
be able to get through the
content. So, gather a list of
keywords. It happens to the
writing services you've
hired. Take each keyword
and create an article around
it. He now has website
content search engine that
can actually collect. And
because it has chosen the
service quality of the writing
is still readable and
attractive to humans.
Did you realize that this
article was built around
"writing services?" I know, I
just got the secret. Put the
word SEO means placing the
correct density keyword the
correct number of times in
the article, press release, or
blog. You do not want to
put it there too: all that is
over 5 to 6 key words in
400 words will be rejected
by the boards of major
items such as electronic
publishing. But you need the
right amount. This is where
the quality of fits SEO
copywriting services

Book Publishers: What Do They Want

If you’ve tried submitting a
manuscript to any of the
book publishers within the
business today, chances are
you’ve received a rejection.
The so named rejection
scripts goes something like
we’re not searching for new
authors at this moment,
we’re not interested, and so
on. Irrespective of how
they’re written, oftentimes,
they’ll be cold and harsh
and these will often be
taken as huge blows in an
author’s life. You’ve place
your heart and soul into the
materials but they do not
believe its good enough. On
that note, what are
publishers really trying to
This could be summed up in
3 M’s, namely, mass appeal,
marketability and
memorable. If you wish to
sell your book to book
publishers, you've got to
maintain these 3 points in
thoughts. On the side of
mass appeal, you are
searching to write a book
that would appeal to a huge
audience. In a single word-
everybody! Write for every
person as a lot as your
expertise can muster. Most
of the time, in case you
write for a group, you’ll also
be writing off a great
quantity of publishers in that
method. As for marketability,
the name of the game is M-
oney. Write with all your
heart but make sure that
you produce a thing that
can sell. In case you
succeed with convincing a
publishing residence that
your perform will sell nicely
then you have found
oneself a publisher.
For the last M that
publishers are trying to find,
you may prefer to tweak the
word and add potential to
the term. With memorability,
you desire to write
something that men and
women will always bear in
mind and will also relate to.
Take note that when your
book is published, it still has
to complete operate in
standing out from the other
books on the shelf.
Marketing and advertising
and promotion can give
your book a boost but you
need to make a thing that
will not blend in with all the
bookshelf woodwork. Your
book wants to attract an
audiences’ attention and
remain in their minds.
Now which you know
regarding the three Ms, you
will have a better possibility
if you submit your
manuscript. Provided that it’s
written with those in mind,
you will not be getting a
rejection from book

An Outline Makes Business Writing a Snap

There are several ways to
simplify the writing process.
One of the quickest and
most easily adaptable ways
is to create and follow a
simple outline for all of your
business writing.
While you don't need a
detailed, four-page outline
that encompasses every
point you want to make or
every theory you purport, a
simple outline can assist you
in organizing your thoughts,
narrowing your topic,
helping you decide exactly
what you want to say, and
ensuring that you cover
every important aspect of
your subject.
An outline also helps you
jump over the writer's block
hurdle that plagues nearly
every writer at one time or
Organize Your Thoughts
Before you even begin to
write, spend some time
brainstorming. Grab a sheet
of paper and a pen, or a
blank computer screen and
a keyboard, and write down
everything you can think of
that relates to your topic.
Include ideas that are only
slightly relevant, ideas that
you may eventually discard,
but don't filter your thoughts
at this point. Spend about
10-15 minutes writing down
EVERYTHING you can think
of about this subject.
When you're finished, go
back over what you've
written and eliminate
duplicate thoughts,
unnecessary or irrelevant
ideas, or anything else you
don't want to include.
Now you have a fairly
thorough list of the general
ideas you want to discuss.
Narrow Your Topic
Next, look at your ideas
more closely. Do you really
want to cover every one of
them? Are some of these
topics better left unsaid or
some such common
knowledge that you don't
need to mention them? Only
you can decide what's
important, but focus on what
you really want to say. Ask
yourself some questions,
such as:
• Who am I trying to reach
with this writing?
• What do I want my
readers to understand?
• Are each of these ideas
necessary to my central
• Have I left anything out?
Decide Exactly What You
Want to Say
Once you have each
general topic area defined,
it's time to think about each
area in more detail. Decide
what makes each thing
you've written down
important. Determine what it
is that you want your
readers to understand about
each specific idea. Write
your first draft at this point,
being careful to fill in every
detail you can. It's much
easier to edit and cut
extraneous material than to
try to go back and fill it in
Cover Every Important
Aspect of Your Subject
After you've written your
first draft, you'll want to go
back and evaluate every
sentence, and every
paragraph. Have you
covered every important
aspect of your subject?
Should you expand an idea
more fully? Can you rewrite
a sentence or a paragraph
to make it read more clearly
or professionally? Now is
the time to do your best
work. Ensure that your
subject is covered fully and
completely and that you
have said exactly what you
intended to say.
Consider Hiring a
Most small business owners
and entrepreneurs must
wear many, if not all, of the
hats in the company. While
it's easy to recognize the
importance of your business
communications, it's also
easy to allow them to
crucial documents to exit
your office without full
consideration for their
impact on your bottom line.
Consider this... if you don't
communicate clearly and
effectively with your clients
and prospects, you'll lose
their attention -- and their
That's why, if your business
writing skills are less than
professional, you should
seriously consider hiring a
professional writer and/or
editor to assist you.
Often, the first thing your
audience sees is your
written communication, and
if you fail there, you'll never
get the chance to show
them what great products
and astounding customer
service you can provide!